Contest Formula

The formula used takes into account not only how close the guess is to the actual score, but also how close the point spread is predicted. The formula is as follows:

  • X represents your BYU predicted score and x is BYU’s actual score
  • Y represents your opponent predicted score and y is the opponent’s actual score
  • represents your point spread (XY) and is the actual point spread (xy)
  • Your contest score is then: abs|– x| + abs|Y – y| + (2 * abs|Z – z|)
  • There is a 15 point penalty if the team you pick to win loses the game.
  • Like golf, the lower score wins. A perfect prediction will yield a perfect score of 0.

Notice that the differential from the point spread has a factor of two (2), meaning being close to the point spread carries more weight.

Ok, here is an example … you pick BYU to beat Nebraska 38-27. In actuality, BYU pounds Nebraska 40-21. So, the formula yields:
abs| 38-40 | + abs| 27-21 | + (2 * abs| 11-19 |) = 2 + 6 + (2 * 8) = 24 points

Note the 15 point penalty if the team you pick to win loses the game. This, in effect, provides an award for picking the correct winner of the game, even if you may have been way off on the point spread. So, that’s how the scoring is done. It isn’t the only way, and it may not be the best way, but it is has been fine tuned for years, and it is how this contest works.